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Healthcare Sustainability & Relief Effort

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

Website Redesign

Heartland Farms Web Design by UX Aglow

About HSRE

HSRE is a nonprofit organization that was founded in response to COVID-19 and aims to provide assistance to small healthcare organizations that have been impacted by disasters so that they may rebuild their businesses safely and sustainably.


Ava had a problem with white space, her application forms for board members and volunteers were long, the donation page took visitors outside of the website, and finally, clicking on each board member’s bio forced the user to use the menu bar to navigate to the previous page. Ava had quite a lot of content, however, she didn’t know how to structure it in website format.

Scope: Restructure information architecture, improve user experience, and the aesthetic of the entire website.


The Old Look


The New Site

The final result has improved from the first design. Ava is happy with the look and how it functions. The anchor menus are useful and do not make the users visit short pages anymore. The users can now exit out of a board member’s bio instead of visiting a different page and having to go back and forth. The application forms and the donation form seem shorter and sleeker. There is a reasonable amount of white space and colored backgrounds as Ava likes it. The animations also added more life to the website.

Client Feedback

Ava Navarro: “This is so much better than what we had. The navigation is so much more clear now, and I love the form format and the use of lightboxes!”

Site Walk Through

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